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The Auckland Chapter of Universal Peace Federation visits Baitul Muqeet

02 Jul

The Auckland Chapter of Universal Peace Federation visits Baitul Muqeet


The Auckland Chapter of Universal Peace Federation had organised a visit to Baitul Muqeet Mosque on Sunday 28th June, 2015. A mixed group of members of various faiths, including AMJ members took part under the banner of Religious Youth Service. 

They were welcomed at the lobby of the Mosque before going upstairs into Men’s Prayer hall, where Maulana Shafiq Rehman explained to them the essential architectural features of the mosque, the need for ablution before prayer, the daily prayer times and significance of various postures of the Muslim prayer. Two Khuddam members also demonstrated the postures with a mock-up one Rakat of prayer.

They were then shown the Ladies Prayer Hall, before going to the Old Hall for refreshments. The National President, Mr Mohammed Iqbal, thanked them for visiting the Mosque and gave a brief introduction of Ahmadiyya Jama’at as well as a short history of our New Zealand Jama’at. This was followed by a short Q&A session.

The UPF President, Mr Julius Gicole thanked the Jama’at for reception and refreshments and said that the members had learnt much from the visit as many had never visited the Mosque before. The group left after about two hours.                          


  • - by B. A Khan
  • in news, media-release

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